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tcm consultation

A Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Consult will supply you with a comprehensive report on your health based on TCM principles. Consults are intended to guide patients based on main health concerns.

After completing the health assessment, you will receive a personalized TCM diagnosis and guidance how to heal your health concerns.

- Diet Therapy

- Lifestyle Changes

- Herbal Medicine Recommendations

- Acupressure Points

- Acupuncture Treatment Plan

Price: $80 (Billable to Insurance Plans)


group acupuncture & meditation

Experience Acupuncture & Meditation surrounded with others, amplifying the healing energy in the space.

Acupuncture needles will be inserted, based on your personalized TCM diagnosis, followed by a 20 minute meditation. This allows the body to relax into a true state of healing and clearly receive the needles healing message.

*Each patient will receive a TCM intake to be submitted a minimum of 4 days before group session.

Cost: $100/patient

(Billable to Insurance)